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Fall Storage Share


The Fall Storage Share is intended for Members who want to keep produce into the off-season.


We will include varieties that keep well, including Winter Squash (many varieties), Russet Potatoes, Dried Onions, Red Potatoes, Carrots and Beets. In total, you'll recieve TWO Jumbo Share sized boxes (1 1/9th bushel box), filled with produce that keeps well. 


The Storage Share is split between two deliveries. Both of the last two weeks of the CSA Season you'll recieve a Jumbo Share sized box full of storage crops (in addition to your normally scheduled CSA Share).


You'll also receive a storage guide that's specific to your Fall Storage Share! It'll give you tips and tricks; ideas on how to use your veggies and info on the best methods to keep them nice! 

We will make sure to communicate and remind you when to expect the Fall Share! You'll see info sent to your email, posted on our website, blog, & Facebook etc.

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